Sunday, September 30, 2012

Winter Park

Winter Park

Daddy had to go cut some firewood, so we decided to tag along.

We got to see Aunt Karen!

I didn't recognize her at first.

But I eventually gave her a smirky smile.

Hi Aunt Karen!

We also got to hang out with Calder and Jenna.

Daddy smells like pine trees.

That's why Daddy smells like pine trees.

He has almost 100, six foot logs!

That is crazy Daddy! 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

First Real Food

First Real Food

We keep hearing that food is so delicious and now that we are almost five months old we can try it! 

 I am a little nervous.

Here is comes. Are you ready sister?

I am ready Mommy!

Now watch me take my first bite.

Me too!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Warrior Dash

Warrior Dash

Now that we are four months old, Mommy is ready to start running again. She decided to join a race where she climbs over obstacles and jumps over fire. That sounds dangerous, Mommy.

That is Mommy with her co-worker Amy.

You look ready Mommy.

Daddy wasn't running, but may have been working just as hard.

Can you find Mommy in the crowd?

 When do they start running?

Go Mommy Go!

Mommy is looking for us.

 Mommy is in the zone now.

 How long until Mommy reaches the finish line? 

Wake me when she gets here.

Here she comes!

Mommy, you are all muddy!

Hurry Mommy, the finish is just around the corner.

You did it!

We are so proud of you Mommy!

Look at all of those shoes.

Uh Mommy, you are planning to change
 clothes before we go home right?

Monday, September 17, 2012

August Fun

August Fun

August was a busy month as we learned to roll over, laugh, and respond to our surroundings. We also started napping without being swaddled. Enjoy!

I just woke up from a nap. The doctor said I can 
sleep on my tummy now.

Mommy was talking so long, that I just fell asleep.

I was really tired.

I just built my first tower!!!

No big deal. I am just that good.

Construction is hard work. 

Play time!

What do you think of my bow?

I look cute, right?

How do I get out of this thing?

I love my blanket.

It is so soft.

Mommy didn't want us rolling away from our toys.

This works pretty well.

I am having fun!

Do you want to come join me?

I am having fun too!

You are the best, Mommy!

We went to the Mother's of Multiples sale where 
Mommy and Daddy got all of this great stuff for 
only $300! It would have been over $1,000 new.